While the Workers Compensation industry was moving to more digitized transactions and processes, there were still many medical providers using paper documents fro support billing & payments via mail, fax and other manual methods. We saw the opportunity to leverage our facilities and technology infrastructure to support the broad range of digital and manual manual workflows needed to serve the market.
WCEDI was created as full mailroom outsourcing facility for OCR and paper-to-EDI services. By providing scanning, OCR, verification, indexing, document & data management to payors, providers and vendors, WCEDI & WorkCompEDI developed a full suite of offerings to meet a broad range of medical claims billing services to meet the varying needs of our clients. Service offerings help to eliminate manual data entry and increase data accuracy, while reducing administrative costs.
By attracting doctors to our platform, we could meet their needs where ever they were in their modernization journey and create opportunities to convert doctors to electronic billing and digitized workflows once they were on-board. Offerings such as CompFAX and iCompEDI allowed us to in-take documentation from any source into WCEDI central processing systems to then apply OCR and other services to streamline workflows, adding incremental value to our customer, while adding profits to our balance sheet.
In 2010 we sold WCEDI to a Chinese investor to support their Key Form Imaging services. WCEDI Management Solutions continued work with WCEDI a sub-contractor to serve as the face of the business and support finances for the foreign company. We went on to re-build WCEDI capabilities to continue to serve the U.S. market in the form of (list entity)